Aldona Šaikūnaitė Dabrilienė (1925 - 2018) grew up in Kaunas. She left Lithuania for the west with her parents and brother at the age of 16. They experienced the bombing of Berlin at the end of the war. After the war ended, Aldona married Jeronimas Vytautas Dabrila in Germany and settled in the United States in 1950. They had three children - Aldona, Vytas and Linas Dabrila.
Aldona Dabrilienė taught at the Boston Lithuanian School for over 40 years. She was loved and respected by the students. She demanded a lot from her students, and they worked hard for her. The students felt her love. She creatively presented the lessons. Students created various plays based on the history of Lithuania. They would write those plays, design the costumes and learn the lines to perform with pride. Students collected points - for completed homework, for attending school, for good behavior in class, etc. She organized art competitions, Lithuanian language games and various activities. Aldona Dabrilienė was proud to be a teacher at the Boston Lithuanian school.