Adult Classes

Adult Classes are conducted in school or online, small group or one-on-one classes available.


  • Small groups, adult students are grouped based on the language proficiency level.
  • Duration – 2 h., 26 weeks per school year, on Saturdays, 250 Brook RD., Milton, MA.  

Adult Classes online, via Zoom, PC and high speed internet is needed.   

Two ways to study:   

  • In a small group, formed by similar language proficiency level. Class time is based on the agreement between students and teacher of the group, trying to meet everyones schedulles. Duration – 2 h./week, 26 weeks per year.
  • One-on-one classes, with an assigned teacher to meet students specific language and schedule requirements. Duration – 1 h./week, 26 weeks per year. Smaller inclements available.

Curriculum for all types is based on learning four language domains (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and sociocultural information about Lithuania. School wide curriculum is adapted to the specific group or individual needs.

Learning material for all types is chosen to fit the age and language proficiency level of the students.

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